Free Webinars on Blockchain in Energy

Webinars resume. Join us – New Series starting in April 2021

Free Webinars

Energy Blockchain Consortium presents a series of Webinars on Blockchain and its application in the Energy industry. These Webinars are free and are open to the public. You do not need to be a Consortium member to join. The webinars are delivered live and can be viewed offline for those who cannot join live. The Webinars are offered on the first Friday of every month (or second Friday if first week has major holiday), starting on June 1st, 2018.

Recordings of past webinars are available on our YouTube channel. Click "Play Recording" below to play the recording now. We also encourage you to also subscribe to our channel on the YouTube page.







Friday June 5th, 2020 at 12 noon EST (US)

Introduction to Blockchain

This is your first class to Blockchain. This Webinar will answer the following key questions:
1. What is Blockchain?
2. What is the hype all about?
3. What is its practical use in the real world?
4. How is it related to Bitcoin, and what is the danger?
5. How can it be useful in the Energy industry?

Play Recording

Friday July 2nd, 2020 at 12 noon EST (US)

Blockchain Basics

This webinar will open the Blockchain hood and provides the basics and its relevance to the Energy industry. Key questions addressed
1. What’s under the Blockchain ‘hood’?
2. How does Blockchain work?
3. How Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies are tied to Blockchain?
4. What is Consensus, SmartContracts etc?
5. How does Blockchain make stuff more secure?

Play Recording

Friday August 7th, 2020 at 12 noon EST (US)

Blockchain for Utilities

Get a global perspective on the early use of Blockchain by the Utilities to modernize the grid. Key questions answered:
1. Provide example of Use Cases?
2. Why Blockchain is or should be attractive to Utilities?
3. Will Blockchain dis-intermediate the Utilities?
4. How do Utilities prepare for Blockchain?
5. How will Utilities benefit from Blockchain?

Play Recording

Friday September 4th, 2020 at 12 noon EST (US)

Blockchain for Utilities: Vetting Utility Use Cases

Key topics will be:
1. Due diligence process to validate Energy Use cases with a demonstrable example
2. Two Utility Use Cases in the Transactive Energy category

Play Recording

Friday October 2nd, 2020 at 12 noon EST (US)

Blockchain Use Cases for Utilities

Get an insight view on two utility specific use cases.
1. Approach to Developing Use Cases
2. Blockchain Virtual Power Plant
3. Distribution System Operator Use Case

Play Recording

Friday Nov 6th, 2020 at 12 noon EST (US)

Blockchain Capabilities & Business Benefits

Key topics will be:
1. What are the key Capabilities of Blockchain?
2. What is their Business Benefits?
3. How do these key capabilities be applied to the Energy industry?

Play Recording

Friday Dec 4th, 2020 at 12 noon EST (US)

Electrification of Transportation using Blockchain

Key Topics
1. Electrification of Transport industry
2. EV Market and Growth
3. Blockchain as a core foundation for EV
4. Use Case for Vehicle to Grid integration

Play Recording



Webinars are presented Live and accessible from across the globe for free. All you need is an Internet connected computer or a smatphone. A library with past webinars is available for convenient access by anyone and anytime, 24x7x365. It is recommended that you register for the webinar even if you may or maynot view it live, because links to the library will be sent for your convenience after completion of each webinar.



Webinars are presented by experts with Energy and Blockchain background. Each presenter has over 20 years of energy and technology experience and is a published author and avid presenter in conferences and webinars.



Webinars are between 60 to 90 minutes long and offered predictably at 12 noon EST (New York time) on the 1st Fridays except on major holiday weeks (in US). They started on June 1, 2018 and will continue into 2019. Mark your calendars for published dates for "me" time to get educated on Blockchain in Energy. You deserve it!

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