Introduction to Blockchain Webinar: The Energy Industry is going through a transformation for a decade and the Utilities and Oil & Gas companies have been following a predictable path to SmartGrid and Digital enablement. This steady pace has recently been rocked by a radically new technology whose potential and pace of adoption has surprised even the harshest of critiques. Every industry is gearing up to adopt it in one way or another. Blockchain technology broke into the market just a few years ago with its iconic application – Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency whose jaw-dropping rise both puzzled and intrigued the general population. Ardent support led to its fierce but volatile rise. Since its inception, this esoteric cryptocurrency continues to reshape the global financial markets. Blockchain, the less-understood albeit foundational technology powering Bitcoin, is the real technological game changer, an innovation in some ways as radical as the Internet itself. It provides an opportunity to reshape the Digital economy, empower consumers and secure the leaky digital world.
This 90 minute webinar delivered by me will get you started on Blockchain and its application in the Energy industry.